Psalm 32

Time with the Lord in the Psalms! The notes you’ll find here are the nuts & bolts of my efforts to understand & apply the Psalms to my life. I hope that they’ll be an encouragement as you glean the Scriptures for guidance & encouragement.

You’ll notice 3 basic pieces to my notes: A basic outline, the question “What sticks out this time?” and the final question “What difference does this make?” These are the three regular parts of my time in the word. The outline will vary in length and detail. It’s simply a product of my efforts to understand & keep track of the flow of each Psalm. The first question is an effort to stay sensitive to what God is featuring for me as I read that day. The final question is an effort to apply the truth to my life – my thoughts, my choices, etc.

I want to profit from God’s word. As your brother in Christ, I want you to profit from it. I want you to carry these 3 basic pieces into every passage you study anywhere in Scripture.

Enjoy your time in the Word!

A Basic Outline
A declaration of the happiness of the forgiven, 1-2
..blessed is he… forgiven/covered
..blessed is the man… not impute/no deceit
Recounting an experience of conviction, 3-4
..when I kept silent, my bones grew old
..through my groaning all the day long and night Your hand was heavy vitality was turned into the drought
Recounting confession & forgiveness, 5
..I acknowledged
..I have not hidden
..I said, “I will confess…”
..You forgave (Incredible Mercy!)
A reason to pray: Your mercy, 6-7
..for this cause (points to Your forgiveness in v5?) a time when You may be found (context suggests a time when we need forgiveness)
..they shall not come near (again the context is a time when we need forgiveness… So is this a picture of You surrounding me with forgiveness at a time when I’m overwhelmed by the consequences of my sin?)
..You are my hiding place
..You shall preserve
..You shall surround
The Lord’s promise to lead, 8
..I will instruct and teach in the way
..I will guide you with My eye
The Lord’s exhortation to be teachable, 9 not be like the horse…
..which have no understanding
..which must be harnessed
The Lord’s response to those who trust in Him: abundant mercy, 10
..mercy shall surround him
A call to rejoice about the Lord, 11 glad in the Lord… rejoice… shout for joy…
What sticks out?
V6. It appears to point back to the merciful gift of forgiveness given in v5. David seems to be saying,”Your forgiveness in response to mere confession on my part is the very reason we should all run to You… as soon as we blow it!”
Where does this make a difference?
My instinct when I blow it is to hide from You. David has learned to run to You. Like Peter in John 21:7. Peter didn’t stand at the end of the line that day because of his denials the night Christ was betrayed. He experienced mercy and he lived in light of mercy. Your mercy made him want to be near You even more… Hello!

What sticks out?
“Do not be like the horse… which must be harnessed” I remember the horse who thought I was there to do it harm when I was there to help. The only way to help it was to force it to cooperate.
What difference does this make?
I hear You saying You don’t want a forced relationship with me. You want a love relationship. If I will trust You then I will be surrounded by Your mercy. May I take all that you’ve revealed about Yourself and all that You’ve done on my behalf and use that knowledge as fuel for cooperation marked by trust and love. May You find me willingly following You over and over today. May You find me so convinced of Your mercy that I am anticipating it’s arrival.

What sticks out?
If we keep verses 8-10 connected to verses 3-5 then the focus of 8-10 is a decision to cooperate with the Lord at the time of failure. What will I do when I sin? Verse 8 tells me what God will do… instruct, teach, and guide. Verse 10 tells me that mercy will characterize His work in my life.
What difference does this make?
If only I could push a button and it would cause me to think these exact thoughts at the moment of failure. Better yet if I would listen more carefully to the Spirit’s leading when I fall. If v8-10 are true at the moment of failure (and they are) then… failure is not the end of the world. There is hope for abundant mercy… because of Your character.